Selling a Note

Living in America means that there is no one way to live. Each American region is different from others in terms of its geography, climate, economy, people, etc. There is not one set of rules for everyone.

Real estate differs from state to state, but there are certain things that are common across most states. One example is that owners often finance their properties through notes rather than mortgages. Another example is that notes can be sold to mortgage companies, which provides a lump sum of cash for investors.

Notes from banks often contain certain pieces of data which they use to assess risk and price their loans accordingly. Such things as:

  • The kind of property, as well its location and condition
  • As long as the down payment and the note’s maturity date match up, then the equity in the property is determined by the down payment and the maturity date.
  • The credit history of the buyer

Setting up an old school note system

It helps if you prepare for selling your house before making a mortgage note. Here are some things to consider:

  • You want to sell to a buyer who has good credit so that they won’t be able to back out of their contract.
  • You should collect a minimum down-pay­ment of 10 percent for homes and 20 percent for other properties.
  • Get an attorney or title agent to prepare the necessary legal documents for the sale.
  • Set a selling strategy that is close to the actual property’s value.


Now that you have decided to purchase a home, you must decide how much money you would like to spend. This amount should include the down payment, closing costs, and any repairs that may need to be made before you move into your new house. Another option is to rent an apartment until you find a suitable home. In either case, be sure to consider what type of mortgage loan you will require. For example, if you plan to buy a home that requires a 20% down payment, then you will need to save enough money to pay off that amount plus interest. Also, be aware of the term of the loan. Most mortgages come due within five to seven year intervals. Therefore, if you do not own the home outright, you will probably have to refinance every so often.

  • The person or organization is licensed as a realtor in their current state.
  • They have a good reputation from the BBB
  • The company has been operating for at least five year and appears to be familiar with its subject.
  • When you perform a web-based research using Google or Bing, there is no dirt on the company.
  • You know that the person who wrote this note is not lying because your gut told you so.

Seascape Capital was founded in 2002, and is widely regarded and respected within the financial services industry. It has received an A+ rating from BBB and is fully licensed.