If you’re looking for top dollar on a note, consider using a trusted note buyer.

Choose the best note buyer for your needs.

Here are some factors to keep in mind when choosing the right Texas deed of title company:Experience – Have they worked in the Texas real estate investment business for at least five consecutive year, and do they appear knowledgeable about their field?A real estate license is not legally necessary in most states but a licensed individual is more knowledgeable and experienced than an unlicensed one.Accrediting agencies – This shows a higher level of integrity. We’ve been accredited by the BBB for several years now, and we haven’t ever had any complaints.Don’t be afraid to check out the company yourself, as well as consulting “ripping off” websites to see if they’re negative about the company.Trust your intuition when deciding whether someone is trustworthy and likely to act in your best interest.

How It Works

When you decide to sell your mortgage loan, you’ll give the prospective purchaser detailed information about the property, including the current value of the home. In just a matter of hours, the borrower will make an initial cash payment to you. You’ll then verify the full amount due, pay off any outstanding liens, and issue a final payoff statement. Once everything is complete, the borrower will wire the funds into your account. Your job is done!

A mortgage broker earns his/her commission when they sell a loan to another lender. They earn their profit by selling loans at a discount compared to the original purchase prices. However, the borrower has to pay back the loan in full before he/she starts enjoying any benefits.

If the borrower defaults on his loan, the biggest risks for the buyer are if the value of the house declines significantly, or if there are major repairs needed. These are particularly big issues when the housing markets have been declining or when the house has suffered serious damage.

Is there any point in selling my note?

If you’re looking to sell your Texas real estate promissory notes, then you might want to consider talking to a number of different Texas mortgage loan companies. We’ve discussed some of the things you need to know when choosing the right company for you.

But first, let’s take a step backward. If you’ve got a great real estate note on a solid piece of land, why would you want your lender to buy it from you? Maybe you don’t. If you think that the borrower will always make timely monthly loan repayments, you don’t need an immediate infusion of money, and you’re confident that you can handle any problems that might arise, then you might want to hang onto the note until it matures. You’ll always have the option of reselling it later, so long as the monthly installments keep coming in on schedule.

If you’re not sure whether you want to keep the property, then you might want to consider selling it to someone else who wants to buy it. Or if you don’t want to deal with the hassle of owning the property any longer, then maybe you’d prefer to just let someone else take care of it for you. Either way, you’ll need to figure out which option works best for you.

Please contact us. We offer superior customer service, quality workmanship, and competitive pricing. Our team is dedicated to helping you get the best possible deal for your home. Call today!